30 Things to do before you’re 3


After receiving a leaflet a while ago at a baby group I discovered the 30 things to do before your 3 by Play Talk Read.

We are going to work through this with S and will update the list below with photos when we tick off each item.

  1. Feed the birds
  2. Dig out your wellies, jump in a puddle and make a splash
  3. Make a foot/hand print
  4. Build a sand or mud castle
  5. Catch a snowflake
  6. Take part in a treasure hunt and collect sticks, stones and leaves
  7. Play hide & seek
  8. Pull a silly face in the mirror
  9. Play peek-a-boo
  10. Sing ‘The Wheels on the Bus’
  11. Build a secret den
  12. Get squishy with play dough
  13. Get busy in the kitchen
  14. Take a trip to the park and go down the slide forwards and backwards
  15. Max out your library card
  16. Pretend you are your favourite super hero
  17. Burst a bubble
  18. Get noisy and make your own drum kit with pots and pans
  19. Plant a seed and watch something grow
  20. See a creepy crawly close up
  21. Visit a castle
  22. Climb on an adult for a piggy back/horsey ride
  23. Have a laugh in the bath getting playful with soap and suds
  24. See how many different animal noises you can make
  25. Paint a picture of your family or pet
  26. Do the hokey cokey
  27. Spot a plane in the sky
  28. Do the actions to Incy Wincy Spider
  29. Sport and chase your own shadow
  30. Build a tower and knock it down


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